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How to Become a Highly Productive Stoner
Busting the myth of the lazy stoner can seem like an impossible feat. Still, with a few tips and tricks in your stash bag, your success story can certainly include a chapter on cannabis.
Maybe you’ve even noticed that most of the highly productive may include plenty of successful, hard-working stoners. It consists of the CEO of Lagunitas Brewing Company, Tony McGee.
Let us not procrastinate and instead dive right into these 10 productive stoner tips to be certain you make the most out of your time, and you’re high.
1. Make a list
Listicles are the new articles, and writing a to-do list is one of the most gratifying activities in the world because in and of itself, it feels like a big ole check mark across your life. Start your morning by making a to-do list right out your major key goals, and from there, break your list down into manageable to-do’s. It will enable you to check more things off your list and give your ego the deserved reinforcement.
2. Block out time to get the task done
Tim Ferriss, time management expert and author of the 4-hour workweek, recommends working in uninterrupted 3-hour chunks. Turn off…