How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes? [Life Hacks-Part1]

Life is short, make it last.

Mrinal Walia
3 min readNov 22, 2021


Smoking can create a lot of problems for the health. Many diseases like blood pressure, heart attack, eyes, nose, throat, lungs, and skin will pose such issues in the body after smoking regularly.

Smoking should always be discouraged and not be used for the sake of fashion. There are some tips for smoking quitters, and they must have firm determination to quit it.

Have the Determination to Quit Smoking

Accepted the fact that anyone can quit smoking. Firm determination, guts, and faith in ourselves are required to stop smoking. Nothing is impossible. We should make our plan to leave it.

Benefits of Quitting

One must write down the benefits of quitting smoking, such as living longer, feeling better physically and mentally, for the sake of family, saving money, smelling better, etc. One must put it on paper and read it daily and regularly. Our family and friends should be immensely helping in this decision of quitting. Make them informed that you might be a little bit grumpy and even sometimes irrational to them in this stage of quitting smoking.

Set a Deadline For Quitting



Mrinal Walia

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