P90X Reviews — Weight Loss For Women

We talk about P90X as though it’s only for big ‘ole tough guys. That sells the workout program a little short.

Mrinal Walia
3 min readSep 13, 2021

Will P90X work for women? For anyone who has ever done or followed a P90X Workout, you already know that there’s always a woman on the program, and they all kick butt.

I know that there is a fear of bulking up too much and looking un-feminine from lifting weights for many women. As with all things in life, it depends on what your goal is. There are women out there that have created enormous physiques for themselves, to the point where most people find it gross.

P90X is not designed with that in mind. Its purpose isn’t just about losing weight.

Its goal is for people to get fit and lean. By building muscle, the body naturally uses more energy, aka calories. As your body adapts to the exercises and the healthier diet, you’ll see your body fat % shrink and your lean muscle mass increase. Your arms and shoulders will have a greater definition, legs will get more toned, and tummy muscles will tighten.

Please take a look at the women on the DVD, they represent various sizes and shapes, but they’re all fit.



Mrinal Walia

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