Surprising health benefits of Cannabis [Life Hacks-Part4]

With almost half of the USA & every state in Canada has already passed laws to permit the use of Cannabis, it’s time to look at some of the benefits that marijuana use can bring.

Mrinal Walia
3 min readNov 25, 2021

Here are some of the more surprising health benefits of weed use.

#1. Makes You Slim

One of the most surprising health claims of all is that using marijuana can help to prevent obesity, and yet those who take the drug have been found to have a lower BMI than non-users in recent studies. It is due to the interaction of the cannabinoids on the parts of the brain which regulate appetite. This is good news since people with a lower BMI have a longer lifespan and have a reduced risk of developing several conditions.

#2.Kills Cancer

Several recent studies have had positive results showing that CBD and THC can kill cancer cells, stopping metastasis of some types of cancers and preventing cancer from spreading through the body.

#3.Prevention Of Alzheimer’s Disease



Mrinal Walia

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