The Value of Healthy Eating for Children

Little ones can adopt the same eating habits that their parents exhibit.

Mrinal Walia
2 min readSep 15, 2022

Healthful eating habits are most commonly formed long before kids can choose their own foods. Parents and childcare providers are the first role models children will ever encounter regarding healthy eating. Children make astonishing observers, so when they see what is happening in the kitchen, they can create a complete dialogue on the same things happening in the kitchen, but in their own little world with their invisible friends, for example. In several studies relating to children’s eating patterns, researchers found that preferences for certain foods and other eating habits were traced to the patterns and preferences that their parents and other adult role models exhibited.

As kids move from bottles to solid foods, they begin to develop their eating habits, and these are the habits that follow them throughout their lives. Healthy eating habits that begin early will continue to follow these children through to adulthood. Since it is documented that eating healthfully can prevent illness, the role models for these children must begin to offer apples, carrots and other healthy treats in place of sugar-laden treats like candy and chocolate. Little ones will eat the things they see their parents eating, so you must act accordingly…



Mrinal Walia

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