Wondering What To Eat After A Workout? Follow These Simple Rules

The question of what to eat after a workout is a morass, with a tangle of opinions and conflicting research. But the subject of how you should eat after exercise is pertinent to maintaining your desired body composition and weight.

Mrinal Walia
3 min readSep 22, 2022



There are mixed opinions on this subject — wait an hour, eat within 30-minutes, drink juice immediately, eat protein, eat carbs, etc. The list goes on. I tend to be of the “keep it simple” mindset. One should eat to support their goals, as they relate to health and fitness.

What To Eat After A Workout

Many of the health blessings of exercise are transient. That is — the most significant benefits are reaped in the first hours immediately after your workout. Those benefits begin to fade rather quickly. This is a truism for all workouts, and it doesn’t matter if you’re into aerobic exercise, strength training, or some crossbreed of the two. The majority of the health benefits occur in the immediate hours following your workout session. Hence, experts recommend that regular daily exercise provides the most significant benefits.



Mrinal Walia

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