Why 3 Hours A Week Is The MOST, You Should Be Spending In The Gym

Part 3: The One Training Rule That You MUST Follow If You Want To Get Bigger and Stronger

There are so many opinions out there on how long and how often you should be working out. If you read a bodybuilder magazine, you might be inclined to try working out 2 hours per day, six days per week, just like the pros. Or you might follow the simple, cookie-cutter generic personal trainer rule of thumb, one hour, three times per week.

Who is right? Why?

Let's look at certain issues in more particular.

How Long?

Getting bigger must mean training LONGER, right? Think again.

Any training session should not continue for more than 45 minutes, optimally no longer than 30.


First of all, in developing strength and size, the name of the game is INTENSITY.



Mrinal Walia

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